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Welcome to the NPL digital currency exchange

The NPL Digital Currency Exchange's mission is to make trading of digital assets simple, secure, and Pratt & Whitney.


Safe | efficient | fair | reliable

Welcome to the NPL digital currency exchange! We are an innovative platform dedicated to providing secure, efficient and diversified digital asset trading services. At NPL, we are not only a digital currency exchange, but also a digital financial ecosystem builder, providing users with a full range of digital asset management and value-added services.

Digital Asset Trading

Free exchange of various digital currencies, Digital Assets Anytime and anywhere transactions

Digital Asset Management


Transactions in French currency

Convenient legal currency trading services, support the exchange of multiple currencies

Derivatives and extension services

Diversified investment options, provide a comprehensive digital financial ecosystem services, help users scale risks, and achieve wealth appreciation



Be the leader of the times

The NPL Digital Currency Exchange's mission is to make trading of digital assets simple, secure, and Pratt & Whitney. We are committed to promoting the application of blockchain technology, to provide users with efficient and convenient digital asset trading platform, so that everyone can easily participate in the era of digital economy.

Ushering in a new era of digital money

NPL exchange has the world's leading trading engine and high-performance trading system, to achieve a high-concurrency, low-latency trading experience, greatly improving the user's trading efficiency and experience.


Service protection and advantages

Service protection and advantages


NPL platform has a professional financial trading structure, with its own development of high-concurrent memory matchmaking trading engine, the platform uses cool top-up Wallet System + multi-signature + high-protection DDOS trading structure, and so on, ensure the safety of customer's assets.

Express service

In order to make NPL customers better grasp the investment opportunities, the customer service department adopts flat management, and establishes the rapid service response mechanism, to provide customers with asset replenishment and cash withdrawal services, to ensure that customers within 25 minutes to complete the asset replenishment.

Asset Trusts

NPL strictly screens high quality projects and provides safe and stable asset custody services. NPL upholds the concept of“Honesty, fairness, enthusiasm and openness” and strives to create a safe, reliable, efficient and friendly exchange for users.





About NPL

1、NPL is technology's leading digital asset trading platform, registered in the Cayman Islands, with a dedicated operations team based in Hong Kong.

2、The core members of the NPL (from Top Internet and finance companies, most of whom are deep bitcoin and blockchain believers) are convinced that blockchain will transform the traditional monopoly financial system and create a more democratic and autonomous social structure.

4、NPL platform has a professional financial trading structure, has its own research and development of high-complexity memory match trading engine, the platform uses cold top-up wallet system + multi-signature + high-protection DDOS attack system and other trading structure, ensure the safety of customer's assets.

4、In order to make NPL customers better grasp the investment opportunities, the customer service department adopts flat management, and establishes the rapid service response mechanism, to provide customers with asset replenishment and cash withdrawal services, to ensure that customers within 25 minutes to complete the asset replenishment.

5、NPL strictly screens high quality projects and provides safe and stable asset custody services. 

6、NPL upholds the concept of“Honesty, fairness, enthusiasm and openness” and strives to create a safe, reliable, efficient and friendly exchange for users. Although digital assets are now only in a small circle, but we believe that this can be fully mastered by everyone in the future will certainly be popular, let's work together and look forward to!

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